AMS. The True Nerd King. DJ VADER.
NINJACHURCH. Boogie Knightz. Floor Lovers. Bald Brothas Guild. Future Cult Leaders of America.
Too many aliases for the voice of Red Bull BC One, World of Dance, Freestyle Session, Breakin’ the Law, IL Breaks, Remember the Name, and hundreds of other breaking and street dance jams across the course of a 10+ year career.
At 14 years old, AMS’ cousin sat him down to listen to Company Flow’s “Funcrusher Plus,” and A Tribe Called Quest’s “Midnight Marauders.” It stopped him dead in his tracks. Before he knew it, all that dusty music his parents raised him on started to come alive a second time.
AMS became anculture junkie that found a love somewhere between his love affair with Metal, and the sudden need to be able to scrawl his hand style name in marker on the nearest brick wall. On the weekend you might find him crushing rap shows around the Midwest, hosting scratch battles, jumping in Rock Dance cyphers, spinning House Music…or maybe, just fixing your computer.