DJ Rhated R Interview 3-3-15


They always say you never forget your first love…
Music has always been Rhated R’s first love!  Being raised on legends like Sade, Luther Vandross, and Little Milton how can one not develop an ear for good music?  But…becoming a DJ took many years for her to discover. The surface was barely scratched as an 11 year old child when she was introduced to 2 turntables and a mixer from a teenage neighbor.  It was love at first sight!
She fell hard for this thing called Hip Hop.  Rhated R eventually nagged her parents enough to convince them to buy her a set of DJ equipment for her 12th birthday. No great leaps made there though.  With little to no records and no mentor, she was limited to what she would eventually accomplish.  The love of music was still there, but her interest slightly faded. But the story didn’t end there…
Rhated R tried rapping and after realizing there was a lot more to rapping than met the eye, she gave up all hope at becoming a rapper. She later co-hosted a college radio show for a short period of time. While attending college, Rhated R interned for several major record labels.  She eventually landed at THE pioneering hip-hop label.  At the time, the music industry wasn’t ready for the music download craze.  Unfortunately, it cost a lot of people their jobs and Rhated R was a casualty to a series of layoffs.
Still having feelings for her first love, she took a chance on love again and rekindled the love affair…this time from the DJ booth!